Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Anti-Gay Marriage "Christians" aka Hypocrites

Dear Anti-Gay Marriage "Christians" aka Hypocrites,
I will be honest, I am having troubles understanding your views on gay marriage.  There are close to 700 sins listed in the bible, many of which EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU DO EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!!!  Yet, the idea of a person  dedicating their lives to someone of the same-sex (TO THE PERSON THEY LOVE AND CHARISH) through marriage bothers you?  And somehow, you feel that you should be able to decide whether these human beings are able to do this?  Seriously, who do you think you are?!?!  Well, I know who you are- HYPOCRITES!

I think it is about time you live by what you preach.  So while we are adjusting laws to abide by the bible, let's make the 700 sins listed illegal, as well... that means wearing gold-illegal, eating shellfish-illegal, tattoos-illegal, football-illegal, "pulling out"-illegal, men without testicles-illegal, complaining-illegal, nicotine-illegal, getting intoxicated-illegal, murder (which would include all military members as they are not fighting a Godly war)-illegal.... that's just to name a few.

When you hypocrites are ready to make each and everyone of these illegal, then we can talk about gay marriage, but until then- I think each and everyone of you hypocrites needs to keep your ridiculous, selfish, narrow-minded views on the subject to yourself!

With Lots of Love,
