Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Republicans Vs Hitler

Republicans vs HItler
Far right
Far right
Hate unions
Hated unions
Hate democracy
Hated democracy
Hate homosexuals
Hated homosexuals
Love the Bible (but only the parts that pertain to their beliefs- they fail to acknowledge the New Testament)
Loved the Bible (but only the parts that pertain to his beliefs- he failed to acknowledge the New Testament)
Believe Christianity should be taught in schools
Believed Christianity should be taught in schools
Kill millions of human beings
Killed millions of human beings
Claim to be pro-life regardless of the number of people they kill each year
Claimed to be pro-life regardless of the number of people he killed each year
Love war
Loved war
Hate minorities
Hated minorities
Hate immigrants
Hated immigrants
Pretend to care about the people
Pretended to care about the people
Protects big corporations
Protected big corporations
Do not create jobs
Created jobs

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The United States: A Christian Nation?

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we've got to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are or we've got to acknowledge he commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it."
~Stephen Colbert

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness"
~John Kenneth Galbraith

Though it may not be obvious, these two quotes work hand in hand.  With the most recent talk of cutting billions of dollars in benefits to those in need- you have to question the supposedly Godliness of the GOP aka republicans aka conservatives aka heartless, hateful human beings (at least those who are currently in office making the calls). WIC for example, in the year 2010 serviced 7,037,176 children and infants (that does not include the number of pregnant and breast feeding woman receiving WIC- which I will touch on later).  That is over 7 FREAKING MILLION children ages 0-5 they want to take food away from that ultimately helps keep them healthy?!?  And for what, so you can afford more bombs to murder HUMAN BEINGS all around the world?!?  How dare they claim to be Christian!  Jesus' teachings tell us to (just as Stephen Colbert points out) love the poor and serve the needy without condition.  Somehow, we have managed to turn that into let's murder millions, make them seem like the bad guys so that we may ultimately have control of their natural resources- which will make them ( as in, big firms, contractors; etc) richer.  And when we can no longer afford to do that, let's take food and all other benefits from those in need to support this war. Regardless if you receive some sort of benefit from our government, if you consider yourself a Christian- you should be terrified right now!!!  And if you aren't a Christian, you should still be absolutely terrified because ultimately unless you make billions of dollars of which you want to throw at those in office, they could give a crap less about you. 

So in case you are not familiar with what is currently going on, let me try to make things a tad bit more clear.
  • 2,174,232 infants received WIC in 2010
  • 4,862,944 children (no older than the age of 5) received WIC in 2010
  • 2,138,302 women (pregnant or breast feeding) received WIC in 2010
  • 1 in 6 of those in the United States received some sort of government aid in 2010- that is roughly a little more than 50 million people
Now, many of those receiving WIC benefits, may also be receiving other government assistance- HOWEVER, taking a penny away from these less fortunate people to make up for the ill spending of our government officials, especially while we dump billions into this disgusting greedy war-IS WRONG AND AGAINST EVERYTHING JESUS TEACHES US! 

What kills me is that raising the taxes on the rich is completely out of the question, but ultimately starving God's people is acceptable.

But I feel that if we truly want to lower the cost of welfare (and even crime for that matter)- if we really want to spend less on feeding, housing; etc, those who are in need- just maybe (and feel free to tell me if I am wrong) - WE SHOULD CREATE FREAKING JOBS!  And not those bs jobs that pay a whopping $7.25 an hour, which only offer part-time work (you know, to avoid having to offer you health benefits).  Trust me, NOBODY CAN SURVIVE ON THOSE JOBS!  Who in their right mind thought that was a reasonable amount of pay for one to live off of?  I couldn't imagine trying to pay my rent, car payment, electricity, water and sewer, telephone, insurance, food, gas, childcare; etc, on $7.25 an hour- even if it was full time.  Let me break this down for you...

My Bills..
  • Rent: $700/mo (for a 3 bedroom house, which is amazingly cheap)
  • Electricity: $300/mo (during winter months which includes heat)
  • Water and Sewer:  $300/quarter ($100 a month and we are very conservative water users)
  • Telephone: $60/mo
  • Car insurance: $120/mo
  • Food:  $400/mo (for my two children and I)
  • Childcare:  $920/mo ($140/wk for my daughter's full-time childcare and $90/wk for my son's after school childcare)
  • Gas:  $250/mo (not including pleasure traveling)
  • TOTAL= $2,850
That means I would have to make at the very least $18/hr (before taxes) just to pay my bills.  (Please note that I did not include my car payment, $433/mo, as many see that as a luxury)  Well what if my children or I need to go to the doctors, what if my oil needs changed, or my registration is due...  what if I need new tires on my car... what if my children need new sneakers or clothing- as they are constantly growing.  I believe it would be safe to assume that to be sure you could comfortably live and be able to take care of all those mentioned above you would need to make between $500-$1000 more than what you pay out in bills a month.  That in turn means, that a single mother of two would need to make roughly $21/hr-$24/hr.  (or a salary of $44k-$50k per year).  And that is just the cost of living in my area- which is considered cheap to most places. 

So, now, let me ask you this-- how many places are offering to pay that without some type of degree or extensive experience?  Yet we are shocked about the number of people receiving these benefits? 

Is it that they (company owners, CEO's, presidents; etc) cannot afford to pay more?  Well, let's take a look at a common place of employment that we have all heard of- McDonalds.

"There are many directors on the board and different divisions for different areas around the world, but the chairman of the board and chief executive officer, Miles D. White had a total compensation of $28,335,494.00 in 2008. This was from a salary of $1,795,471.00, $7,582,032.00 in stock awards, $10,757,796.00 from option awards, $4,200,000.00 for non-equity incentive plan, $3,149,302.00 for Change in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings, and $850,893.00 for "all other compensation". Other Executives of McDonalds earned from $175,000 to $17,000,000 in 2008."

And that was in 2008!

So, ultimately, it's not that we cannot afford to pay workers' better, but that greed has completely consumed our nation.  The nation that claims to be a such a Christian Nation.  The same nation who instead of offering better paying wages or even more work force development- complain about welfare rates and costs, yet continue to spend billions to trillions on murdering human beings aka war (all while claiming it's for our freedom, of course).

In conclusion, I have a few quotes for all the so-called Christian Conservatives...

"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever." 1 John 2:15-17

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."  Acts 20:35

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets"  Matthew 7:12

"If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother." Deuteronomy 15:7
"There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land." Deuteronomy 15:11

"Do not take advantage of a hired man who is poor and needy, whether he is a brother Israelite or an alien living in one of your towns." Deuteronomy 24:14

Okay, I could pretty much copy and paste the whole bible in here- as it all pertains to what I have been speaking of.  But please, (fake) Christian conservatives, quit acting as though you are following God's Will!  Though you often claim to be "Pro-life", I see you murdering thousands everyday- letting your own starve!  And fellow children of God or anyone with half a heart, let's stand up to these people!  Let's do something about this!  Pay attention to all that is happening right now, vote, tell others and if you are a praying person, PRAY!

"As long as you don't abort it, we don't care if you can afford it" ~ Justin Rosario

"GOP: pro-birth, not pro-life"~ Jon Stewart

"A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death." - MLK


I also suggest reading:
"According to USAID, 70,000 children around the world will die if Republicans make the cuts it wants to make. Approximately 30,000 kids would die from cuts in malaria control programs, 24,000 from lack of immunizations, and 16,000 due to unsafe birthing practices. Because of these draconian budget cuts, Republicans are essentially sentencing tens of thousands of children, both born and unborn, to certain death."http://www.addictinginfo.org/2011/06/12/the-children-republicans-leave-behind/

An inspiring and thoughtful blog to follow for Christian Liberals:


Monday, May 2, 2011

Am I The Only True Liberal Left?

Tonight, I learned of Osama Bin Laden's murder via facebook.  Not only did I learn of it from facebook, but from all of my "facebook friends" and all my liberal groups and HOW THE WERE CELEBRATING IT?!?
I find it terrifying how many of them were celebrating the MURDER of another HUMAN BEING.
Especially considering the circumstances- where the likelihood that he had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 are just as likely that our OWN government are not the ones to blame. How are they any better them him? They are rejoicing the MURDER of a person & ultimately supporting the murders of many more.
Tonight, to witness this blind-super-patriotism first hand, made me completely sick to my stomach. 
How heartless are you? 
How blind are you?
Even more shocking, was how I was the only one who saw this as wrong!  I was especially disappointed in my so-called "Liberal" facebook groups, as they too, were posting the most horrible and gruesome posts in regards to the events that took place today.
I would like to remind you what Liberals stand for:
  • Equal Rights (you know, like INCLUDING RECEIVING A FAIR TRIAL)
  • We are against the death penalty
  • We are for PEACE
... just to name a few...
Am I truly the only one who sees how this is not something to be celebrated?  Am I the only one who sees this is not something to be proud of?
Tonight's event have truly changed how I will forever see our government, and it's citizens.

I will pray for each and everyone of you as well as Osama Bin Laden and his family- just as a true Christian American would do.

"Thou shall not kill"
Deuteronomy 5:17

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,  that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Matthew 5:44-60

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Anti-Gay Marriage "Christians" aka Hypocrites

Dear Anti-Gay Marriage "Christians" aka Hypocrites,
I will be honest, I am having troubles understanding your views on gay marriage.  There are close to 700 sins listed in the bible, many of which EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU DO EVERY FREAKING DAY!!!!!  Yet, the idea of a person  dedicating their lives to someone of the same-sex (TO THE PERSON THEY LOVE AND CHARISH) through marriage bothers you?  And somehow, you feel that you should be able to decide whether these human beings are able to do this?  Seriously, who do you think you are?!?!  Well, I know who you are- HYPOCRITES!

I think it is about time you live by what you preach.  So while we are adjusting laws to abide by the bible, let's make the 700 sins listed illegal, as well... that means wearing gold-illegal, eating shellfish-illegal, tattoos-illegal, football-illegal, "pulling out"-illegal, men without testicles-illegal, complaining-illegal, nicotine-illegal, getting intoxicated-illegal, murder (which would include all military members as they are not fighting a Godly war)-illegal.... that's just to name a few.

When you hypocrites are ready to make each and everyone of these illegal, then we can talk about gay marriage, but until then- I think each and everyone of you hypocrites needs to keep your ridiculous, selfish, narrow-minded views on the subject to yourself!

With Lots of Love,



Saturday, February 5, 2011

Love Conquers Hate

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself.”

~Harvey S. Firestone

The tears of the red, yellow, black, brown and white man are all the same. 

~Martin H. Fischer

I am so thankful this late, super late, late Saturday evening to be smart enough, open minded enough, loved enough, and Godly enough to accept and love all.  To want equality and happiness for all.  To want more for my fellow brothers and sisters, to want more from life than what it currently has to offer- war, hatred and inequality.  I will do everything in my power to bring my children up in a world without these things but I will need your help.  

Today I challenge anyone who may be reading this to spread love, acceptance, equality and even just a smile...  Tell somebody, anyone, why equality is important to you.  Tell them what love means to you.  I believe there is still hope for a better tomorrow and it begins with us.

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"

~Martin Luther King Jr

Monday, January 31, 2011

An Open Letter to Conservatives Written by Russell King- A MUST READ

An open letter to conservatives

Dear Conservative Americans,
The years have not been kind to you. I grew up in a profoundly Republican home, so I can remember when you wore a very different face than the one we see now.  You've lost me and you've lost most of America.  Because I believe having responsible choices is important to democracy, I'd like to give you some advice and an invitation.
First, the invitation:  Come back to us.
Now the advice.  You're going to have to come up with a platform that isn't built on a foundation of cowardice: fear of people with colors, religions, cultures and sex lives that differ from your own; fear of reform in banking, health care, energy; fantasy fears of America being transformed into an Islamic nation, into social/commun/fasc-ism, into a disarmed populace put in internment camps; and more.  But you have work to do even before you take on that task.
Your party -- the GOP -- and the conservative end of the American political spectrum have become irresponsible and irrational.  Worse, it's tolerating, promoting and celebrating prejudice and hatred.  Let me provide some examples -- by no means an exhaustive list -- of where the Right as gotten itself stuck in a swamp of hypocrisy, hyperbole, historical inaccuracy and hatred.
If you're going to regain your stature as a party of rational, responsible people, you'll have to start by draining this swamp:
You can't flip out -- and threaten impeachment - when Dems use a parliamentary procedure (deem and pass) that you used repeatedly (more than 35 times in just one session and more than 100 times in all!), that's centuries old and which the courts have supported. Especially when your leaders admit it all.
You can't vote and scream against the stimulus package and then take credit for the good it's done in your own district (happily handing out enormous checks representing money that you voted against, is especially ugly) --  114 of you (at last count) did just that -- and it's even worse when you secretly beg for more.
You can't flip out when the black president puts his feet on the presidential desk when you were silent about white presidents doing the same.  Bush.  Ford.
You can't flip out when the black president bows to foreign dignitaries, as appropriate for their culture, when you were silent when the white presidents did the same. Bush.  Nixon. Ike. You didn't even make a peep when Bush held hands and kissed leaders of countries that are not on "kissing terms" with the US.
You can't attack the Dem president for not personally* publicly condemning a terrorist event for 72 hours when you said nothing about the Rep president waiting 6 days in an eerily similar incident (and, even then, he didn't issue any condemnation).  *Obama administration did the day of the event.
You can't throw a hissy fitsound alarms and cry that Obama freed Gitmo prisoners who later helped plan the Christmas Day undie bombing, when -- in fact -- only one former Gitmo detainee, released by Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, helped to plan the failed attack.
You can't support the individual mandate for health insurance, then call it unconstitutional when Dems propose it and campaign against your own ideas.
You can't condemn criticizing the president when US troops are in harms way, then attack the president when US troops are in harms way , the only difference being the president's party affiliation (and, by the way, armed conflict does NOT remove our right and our duty as Americans to speak up).
If you push anti-gay legislation and make anti-gay speeches, you should probably take a pass on having gay sex, regardless of whether it's 2004 or 2010.  This is true, too, if you're taking GOP money and giving anti-gay rants on CNN.  Taking right-wing money and GOP favors to write anti-gay stories for news sites while working as a gay prostitute, doubles down on both the hypocrisy and the prostitution.  This is especially true if you claim your anti-gay stand is God's stand, too.
When you chair the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, you can't send sexy emails to 16-year-old boys (illegal anyway, but you made it hypocritical as well).
You can't criticize Dems for not doing something you didn't do while you held power over the past 16 years, especially when the Dems have done more in one year than you did in 16.
You can't decry "name calling" when you've been the most consistent and outrageous at it. And the most vile.
You can't praise the Congressional Budget Office when it's analysis produces numbers that fit your political agenda, then claim it's unreliable when it comes up with numbers that don't.
You can't vote for X under a Republican president, then vote against X under a Democratic president.  Either you support X or you don't. And it makes it worse when you change your position merely for the sake obstructionism.
You can't call a reconciliation out of bounds when you used it repeatedly.
You can't demand everyone listen to the generals when they say what fits your agenda, and then ignore them when they don't.
You can't whine that it's unfair when people accuse you of exploiting racism for political gain, when your party's former leader admits you've been doing it for decades.
You can't complain about a lack of bipartisanship when you've routinely obstructed for the sake of political gain -- threatening to filibuster at least 100 pieces of legislation in one session, far more than any other since the procedural tactic was invented -- and admitted it.  Some admissions are unintentional, others are made proudly. This is especially true when the bill is the result of decades of compromise between the two parties and is filled with your own ideas.
You can't preach and try to legislate "Family Values" when you: take nude hot tub dips with teenagers (and pay them hush money); cheat on your wife with a secret lover and lie about it to the world; cheat with a staffer's wife (and pay them off with a new job); pay hookers for sex while wearing a diaper and cheating on your wife; or just enjoying an old fashioned non-kinky cheating on your wife; try to have gay sex in a public toilet; authorize the rape of children in Iraqi prisons to coerce their parents into providing information; seek, look at or have sex with children; replace a guy who cheats on his wife with a guy who cheats on his pregnant wife with his wife's mother;
You really need to disassociate with those among you who:
If you're going to use words like socialismcommunism and fascism, you must have at least a basic understanding of what those words mean (hint: they're NOT synonymous!)
You can't cut a leading Founding Father out the history books because you've decided you don't like his ideas.
You cant repeatedly assert that the president refuses to say the word "terrorism" or say we're at war with terror when we have an awful lot of videotape showing him repeatedly assailing terrorism and using those exact words.
If you're going to invoke the names of historical figures, it does not serve you well to whitewash them. Especially this one.
You can't just pretend historical events didn't happen in an effort to make a political opponent look dishonest or to make your side look better. Especially these events. (And, no, repeating it doesn't make it better.)
You can't say things that are simply and demonstrably false: health care reform will not push people out of their private insurance and into a government-run program ; health care reform (which contains a good many of your ideas and very few from the Left) is a long way from "socialist utopia"; health care reform is not "reparations"; nor does health care reform create "death panels".
You have to condemn those among you who:
Oh, and I'm not alone:  One of your most respected and decorated leaders agrees with me.
So, dear conservatives, get to work.  Drain the swamp of the conspiracy nuts, the bald-faced liars undeterred by demonstrable facts, the overt hypocrisy and the hatred.  Then offer us a calm, responsible, grownup agenda based on your values and your vision for America.  We may or may not agree with your values and vision, but we'll certainly welcome you back to the American mainstream with open arms.  We need you.
(Anticipating your initial response:  No there is nothing that even comes close to this level of wingnuttery on the American Left.)
Written by Russell King